Saturday, March 21, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I Cannot wait for this movie! Wolverine is awesome!I just REALLY REALLY hope that they don't skrew it up. But I dont think that they will because from what I saw in the trailer, wow, amazing. The movie focuses on Wolverines past life. He grew up with a generally a normal life until his uncle shot and killed Wolverines dad because his dad like had an affair with his brothers wife or something. that got wolverine mad, just kidding, he was'nt mad he was really really really furious, not mad. he was so mad that his mutant power was exposed(mutant's powers are normally dicovered during the mutants extreme emotion, unless you're like nightcrawler and you're born blue and only with three toes, in that case, you're going to know you're "special") Wolverine then pulled out his bone "claws" and went into his like "animal rage" mode (that's when he gets super strength and stuff but he can't control himself and goes killing guys like the Hulk). So yeah, wolverine went into crazy killer zone and murdered his uncle. Then he runs and joins the army and does a few other things until he decides to do this mutant experiment called "Weapon X" where they try to turn mutants into like super weapons. Wolverine was born with the ability to heal really fast, he has enhanced senses like an animal and he can pull out bone claws. Weapon X took advantege of Wolverines healing factor and literally cut him open and covered his entire skeleton with Adamantium which is a completly and totally indestructable. after that they erased his memory so that they could re-raise him to be a perfect soldier but Wolverine broke out before they could train him so he had no memory of who he was. Let's get one thing straight: Wolverine was born with bone claws but Weapon X coated them with adamantium. In the comics this is when Wolverine joins the X-Men, but in the movie, this should be about when he meets up with the other characters. In my opinion, some of these characters should have been in the first three movies. Don't worry, I wont be comlaining the whole time like in my article about the new comics. My only complaint is: Why didn't they bring in some of these characters earlier? I'm glad that they're bringing them in at all, but they had three movies to bring these guys. but I dont actually blame them 100%. I mean, they did bring in some good characters in the movies, and its hard to have alot of characters in one movie. There are like alot of good guys who were main characters in the comics. like Emma frost( Oh yeah!),Deadpool,Gambit(he's tight), the Blob( he's funny), and a posably Storm when she was a kid(I'll explain that soon). Emma Frost is this hot lady in the comics and now in the movie (she's not as hot in the movie as she was in the comics. no offense to the actress playing Emma Frost) But anyway, she can read minds and do some other telepathic stuff. And she can turn her skin into this material like diamond but when she's diamond, she loses her telepathic powers. You can see her in the trailer, she like glows white in the movie when she turns into diamond. Ok enough about her, who's next...... oh, Deadpool, he's the guy in the trailer with the swords. In the comics, Deadpool had a cool black and red costume and stuff, but hey, at least in the trailer he had a red shirt on. I don't know Deadpool that well, all I know is that in the comics he was a funny guy who was always skrewing around and cracking jokes. He, like Wolverine, was a victim of Weapon X's experiments. I don't know what they did to him, all I know is that he is real good with swords and stuff, and he heals almost faster than Wolverine. Now let's talk about Gambit. Gambit is awesome, he like charges kinetic energy into objects, makes them glow, throws them at something, and then they explode. Pretty awesome, right? He was born with glowing red eyes and everybody thought he was a demon or something and his parents just left him at a nursing home. When this gang of thieves heard about him, they kidnapped him because they thought he was "le diable blanc"-The White Devil(that is racist!)- the thieves raised him and tought him how to fight and pick pockets. he soon became a master thief. Blah blah blah blah blah blah, He now always carries at least one deck of cards that he charges with energy and throws to make explosions. He is also good with a bo staff you can also see him in the trailer. He's the guy with the deck of cards. Next, we'll talk about...The blob. This guy is pretty funny, in the comics he was this totally fat guy that could bond himself to the ground, making him an un-movable object. He was Magneto's like best minion, I can't believe he didn't appear in the first three movies. Also, because of his fat and blubber, he can withstand bulettes from small fire arms. In the movie, he's not as fat as he was in the comics, look him up on google images, he was REALLY fat in the comics. One mistake that the movie makers made was with Sabretooth, he was also the result of Weapon X, he's pretty much exactly like Wolverine, only instead of claws, he has adamantium nails. Gross right. Okay, heres the mistake that they made: In the very first X-Men movie, Sabretooth is one of the bad guys and when Wolverine meets him he acts like he's never met him in his life. BUT... In the X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer, You see Sabretooth and Wolverine fighting. May I remind you that the X-Men Origins is the PREqual, so he meets Sabretooth and possibly kills him in the prequal but in the first movie he has never seen Sabretooth in his life. One argument is that he got his memory erased but he fights Sabretooth AFTER his memory is erased. Now, moving on to Cyclops. In the movie, Wolverine meets up with Cyclops when he was younger. he tapes his eyes closed and puts on sunglasses to make people think he is blind. If you know cyclops, you can see him in the trailer shooting his beams out of his eyes, and he is seen just with hi glasses on. Another mistake! Wolverine meets Cyclops in the Prequal but when he meets him in the first movie, he acts like he has never met before. Ok, on to something that is probably confusing you. Like I said before, Storm might be in the movie as a kid. In the comics, Storm was changed back into a kid and had her memory erased because of this criminal mastermind. When I saw this little girl with black skin and white hair and I assumed that it was Storm when she was a kid. I don't know that it is storm, that's just a guess. New news!!! the black guy you see in the trailer with like a cowboy hat on is not Bishop like I thought he was, he's really John Wraith or Kestrel. In the movie they're just going to call him Wraith. He can teleport. He was also a victim of Weapon X. I bet you are also wondering about Wolverines babe in the movie, that's Silver Fox, she just has a SUPER healing factor. she heals even faster than Wolverine. I think that they're going to have her die in the movie but she ends up alive because of her extreme healing factor. Agent Zero and Beak also might be appearing in the movie but I'm real fuzzy on details about them. Anyhoo.... Be sure to see the movie when it comes out on May 1st!!!!!!


  1. of course this movie is gonna be awsome just like all the others. Unless it sucks but i think its gonna be AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. cool article. it was so thorough that i feel like i may not need to see the movie.
    i cant wait til May 1st!!!!

  3. YO COLLIN MATHEW AND SCOTT!!!!! Its me Tony.Your guys web sight is AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I like pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. hey colin its kevin....lovin the website man....ITS CRAZZY....i dont know how you find time to write such a long review but it was really great....good job and i cant wait to see the movie

  5. paula and catherine but not rly catherine cause she still mad at meAugust 10, 2009 at 12:54 PM is that my brother kevin who posted that comment above? hes such a dork an no fun ...thats the boringest comment on this hole websit!
