Saturday, March 14, 2009

The New Comics Are Screwed Up!!!

As you can see, I have alot to say abot the new comics, so feel free to stop reading whenever you like, but just don't leave this site. Okay, let's get started complaining!! As I mentioned in my Iron Man 2 post, the newer Marvel Comics are currently sucking eggs. And do you know why? I've got three words for you; it's because Stan Lee (the genius creater of Marvel Comics) has retiered from the comic factory and some new loser wanna-be fat rats have taken over and totally skrewed up the entier company in so many ways that I can't even begin to count!!! I can't tell you all the info I know on this subject mainly because I can't fit it all on this one post but also because I could probably get sued for alot of stuff that I would like to say about these no good dumb baboon butt suckers who don't deserve to lay eyes on this once glorious and amazingly awesome gift-from-the-gods of a factory. I'd like to bring to your attention how much these new fatsos have changed the comics, we'll use the X-Man Colossus (Piotr Rasputin) Matthews(one of the creaters of this site, see "About Us") favorite superhero as an example, guesse what they did??.... they made Colossus gay!! There is nothing wrong with gays infact I say that gay marriage should most definitely be legal and I might even write about gay marriage eventually, but thats off topic, I own a comic in which you see Colossus in bed with the X-Man Northstar(a.k.a. Jean-Paul Beaubier). Not only is this inappropriate, it is not accurate, Colossus was never even close to gay!!! He was romantically involved with the X-Man (technicaly woman) Storm as well as Katherine "Kitty" Pryde (a.k.a. Shadow Cat or Ariel). Not only have they messed up many characters life as of right now, but they also skrewed up the entire past comics. For example, according to the new comics, Colossus was born a mutant with the ability to turn his entire body tissue into a steel-like material, that part is true but they have also been saying that Colossus has been on a super steroid called "Banshee" his entier life, giving him his super strength. BULL CRAP!!! Everybody knows that Colossus was born with both the ability to turn into metal AND super strength. So, they've successfully ruined the past, present, AND the future comics. Every body is evil!!!! WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY!!! What happened to the superHEROS?? Now Wolverine has a MUTANT son who kills MUTANTS. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???? And now the one person who can't have a child has had a son,The Hulk I'd like to point out that this is do I put this.......IMPOSSIBLE!!! When his heart rate gets up, he turns into the Hulk and goes on a crazy killing spree, you younger kids may not know this but it's impossible to keep you heart rate normal while having a kid. he would have killed his sons mother on accident. Everything has to come to an end and Marvel Comics' end should have been a long time ago. And it has for some characters, like Captain America. BUT they even found a way to skrew THAT up. You know how, they brought them back to life as zombies. Okay, First off, thats impossible. And secondly, who wants to read about a whole bunch of dead guys??? This brings me to my second section of complaints. That's right, you've only read my first section of complaints. My second section is about the blood, language, and other inapropriate material in the new comics. there's so much blood, violence,cussing, sexuality, and a whole bunch more stuff that we don't need to see. go to your nearest comic book store and look in any new comic you see and I can garuanty that you will see at least three inapropriate scenes, words, or phrases. In the old comics, anyone who could read could pick up a Marvel comic and read it without seeing anything inapropriate or offending, now when you go into a comic store, all of the new comics have to have a warning on it saying it is for teens or older. If you'll notice, the spider-man comics in the newspaperare still okay, and do you know why? It's because Stan Lee writes them and Stan Lee is a genius. Okay, I gotta stop talking, I doubt anybody is still reading this, but if you are, thanks for listening to me complain.


  1. they they DID screw them up!!!!!!!!!!!!
    -matt(the cool dude)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. damn right colin!. you're right. Why the hell would they make collosus gay!. haha nice replacements for cusswords.


  4. i actually read the whole post. Suprisngly it wasnt boring. haha, hulk having a baby. That was hilarious.


  5. paula and catherine in spiritAugust 10, 2009 at 12:59 PM

    immm gettin bored......can u put me and catherine on ur cool people list..please! i mean we all kow that were cool any ways but i still wana b on ur list! so put us on!
